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Perpetuating The Music: Entrevistas e Reflexões Sobre Jam Sessions

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Papiro Editora (2013)

Este trabalho é constituído por um conjunto de entrevistas realizadas em torno do tema da jam session de jazz. Resulta do trabalho de terreno levado a cabo entre 2003 e 2005 em Manhattan, no âmbito de um projecto de doutoramento em Ciências Musicais. Os depoimentos aqui apresentados emergem originalmente de entrevistas etnográficas semi-estruturadas com músicos de jazz, tendo sido complementadas com observações realizadas em cinco espaços de performance situados em três bairros distintos de Manhattan: Harlem (Lenox Lounge e St. Nick’s Pub), Upper West Side (Cleopatra’s Needle e Smoke) e Greenwich Village (Small’s). Com esta publicação, pretendo evidenciar as perspectivas dos músicos entrevistados, procurando contribuir para o aprofundamento, a partir de uma visão “de dentro” da cena do jazz, do estudo das implicações que esta prática performativa poderá ter no percurso dos músicos, nomeadamente em Nova Iorque.

Jazz Fora de Horas: Jam Sessions em Nova Iorque

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Universidade Lusíada Editora (2012)

Ricardo Pinheiro’s exploration of the jam session provides us with an insightful and comprehensive look at a central aspect of the jazz tradition that has largely eluded the gaze of jazz researchers.  Not only does he offer in-depth analyses of the musical aspects of this long-standing jazz institution—its organizational structure, types of repertory involved, and pedagogical benefits—but he also broaches issues such as culture, professional status, and race from new perspectives that broaden our understanding of this rich musical heritage. I found his conception of the jam session as ritual to be particularly illuminating.  I highly recommend this important contribution to the jazz and ethnomusicological literature -- Ed Sarath, Professor of Jazz and Contemporary Improvisation, 
The University of Michigan

Perpetuating The Music: Entrevistas e Reflexões Sobre Jam Sessions

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Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa Editora (2024)

This publication is part of the Performance and Context research project, whose main objective is performance, audiovisual recording and academic reflection on artistic objects in the field of musical performance, through the articulation of systematic procedural and declarative knowledge.
Through the chapters included in this volume, the aim is to illustrate the natural and essential link between practice and theoretical discussion in music, with the aim of deepening understanding of the historical, aesthetic, technical, philosophical and procedural implications of musical creation/performance and academic writing about music.

©2024 by Ricardo Pinheiro.

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