Ricardo Pinheiro
with Chris Cheek, Jorge Rossy, Michael Formanek
Tone Stories

Fresh Sound Records (2024)
"I’ve known Ricardo Pinheiro for many years through recording and performing together, as well as through the International organization, IASJ. I consider him a gifted guitarist and composer, so I was very anxious to check out his latest project.
Beautiful, lyrical, swinging….all there as needed on this great recording. The musicians are committed with everyone 100% ready to hit. The result is wonderful. One can hear the men committed to every beat and nuance. The repertoire includes music from the American song book and some jazz standards, framed by interesting interplay and interpretations. Indeed, a true pleasure to listen to." - Dave Liebman

AsUR/Inner Circle Music (2023)
Five musicians, five composers, five leaders, five friends who have crossed paths countless times in various projects and who now come together in a band to which they all contribute with original music. The result is an eclectic repertoire with plenty of room for musical interaction and improvisation. With Ricardo Pinheiro, César Cardoso, ´Oscar Graça, Miguel Amado and Joel Silva.
Ricardo Pinheiro

AsUR/Inner Circle Music (2022)
"Gestures" and "Momentum" are Ricardo Pinheiro's two latest recordings, featuring Chris Cheek, Mário Laginha, João Paulo Esteves da Silva, Demian Cabaud and Alexandre Frazão.
The two albums were recorded live at the S. Luiz theater (Lisbon) as part of the “Festa do Jazz” Festival, and include my original compositions, through which the band members improvise using various languages of contemporary jazz.
These records show the confluence of different aesthetics and experiences that are revealed through spontaneous musical conversations between the musicians.
Ricardo Pinheiro

AsUR/Inner Circle Music (2022)
"Momentum" and "Gestures" are Ricardo Pinheiro's two latest recordings, featuring Chris Cheek, Mário Laginha, João Paulo Esteves da Silva, Demian Cabaud and Alexandre Frazão.
The two albums were recorded live at the S. Luiz theater (Lisbon) as part of the “Festa do Jazz” Festival, and include my original compositions, through which the band members improvise using various languages of contemporary jazz.
These records show the confluence of different aesthetics and experiences that are revealed through spontaneous musical conversations between the musicians.
Wallenstein, Cavalli , Pinheiro
Lisbon Sunrise

AsUR (2022)
Jazz, Poetry/Spoken Word and Improvisation with Barry Wallenstein, Massimo Cavalli and Ricardo Pinheiro.
Desidério Lázaro

AsUR (2022)
Desidério Lázaro - saxes; Ricardo Pinheiro - guitars (2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8); Mário Delgado - guitars (1, 3); Cícero Lee - bass; Carlos Miguel - drums
Ricardo Pinheiro
Dança do Pólen

AsUR/Inner Circle Music (2021)
"Ricardo Pinheiro’s “Dança do Pólen” is a most impressive and ambitious work. It is abound with impeccable delivery and phrasing within a very colorful, yet challenging solo environment. Ricardo’s interpretations and explorations possess a vocal-like character that is very rarely experienced. This project absolutely raises the artistic bar and fully realizes the full potential of solo composition and performance" - Greg Osby (2021)
Ricardo Pinheiro - Eric Ineke - Massimo Cavalli
Turn Out The Stars: The Music Of Bill Evans

Challenge Records (2021)
Inspired by the music of the extraordinary pianist Bill Evans, the Pinheiro - Ineke - Cavalli Trio explores in this new album musical landscapes constructed from delicate arrangements and intricate musical interaction. In this vibrant recording, the trio reaches a new level of maturity and consolidated artistry that appears in the way the group develops musical discourse and improvisation. The guitar/bass/drums trio is here reinvented by the hand of these talented and experienced musicians.
Ricardo Pinheiro with Theo Bleckmann and Mônica Salmaso

AsUR/Inner Circle Music (2020)
"Ricardo Pinheiro is a very special guitarist who has crafted a most honest and original project with “Caruma.” His music evokes a humanistic quality that is full of emotional expression and spirit. He also offers the very wise inclusion and cooperation of Theo Bleckmann and Mônica Salmaso, who bring a heightened sense of wonder and possibility to their united sonic spectrum. Together, they have fashioned a stunning piece that will serve as a monumental example for many to appreciate and be touched by for generations to come." - Greg Osby (2020)
Ricardo Pinheiro - Miguel Amado

AsUR (2020)
Ricardo Pinheiro and Miguel Amado are two musicians with a trajectory of almost two decades in the forefront of Portuguese jazz, which includes dozens of recorded albums and participation in leading jazz festivals in Portugal and abroad. This recently created co-led project released by AsUR Music, includes original compositions and the contribution of two impressive new generation musicians: Tomás Marques on saxophone and Diogo Alexandre on drums, winners of the Young Musicians 2019 Award in the Jazz category. The quartet's music is a result of the strong character of the compositions and the energy and deep interaction between the four musicians.
Gunther/Pinheiro/Cavalli New West Quartet
East and West

Fresh Sound New Talent (2019)
"...an invigorating, absorbing and contemporary take on straightahead jazz" -- Brian Payne (Jazz Journal UK)
Desidério Lázaro

Ed. Autor/GDA (2019)
Participation in tracks "Consenting Adult" and "Hymn to the Risen".

Daybreak/Challenge Records (2018)
The Pinheiro-Ineke-Cavalli Trio departs from a musical relationship developed in the last five years by the historic Dutch drummer Eric Ineke, the Italian double-bass player Massimo Cavalli and Portuguese guitarist Ricardo Pinheiro. After their CD collaboration in quintet with the famous saxophonist David Liebman and pianist Mário Laginha in “Is Seeing Believing?” (DBCHR 75224), these three experienced musicians developed a studio trio conversation departing mainly from jazz standards arranged especially for this project. This trio has played several concerts in Portugal that resulted in the development a group sound that, coming from the jazz tradition, incorporates new and creative ways of approaching jazz repertoire. The international character of this trio brings a fresh, diverse and complying sound that will certainly please jazz afficionados.
Barry Wallenstein/Jorge Moniz/Luís Barrigas/Massimo Cavalli/Ricardo Pinheiro
Lisbon Sunset

Sintoma Records (2018)
Jazz, Poetry and Improvisation with Barry Wallenstein, Jorge Moniz, Luís Barrigas, Massimo Cavalli and Ricardo Pinheiro.
Jorge Moniz/Ricardo Pinheiro
Radio Orchestra

Sintoma Records (2016)
There’s an uneasy serenity that hangs over the duo collaboration between guitarist Ricardo Pinheiro and percussionist Jorge Moniz. It’s the kind of thing that provides an undercurrent of tension when the music stretches out for drone minimalism, and provides restraint when the duo’s free improvisations attain a hyperactive motion that threatens to shatter the abiding tranquility. The result is something of a middle ground between the album’s two states of existence, and this even temperance is what binds this fascinating music into a state of cohesion. Radio Orchestra is going to appeal to the ambient addicts who are looking for an album to play after Eno’s Music For Airportsand it’s gonna appeal to the free jazz aficionados who need something quieter for the middle of the night, so the neighbors don’t complain -- Dave Sumner (The Bandcamp Daily)
Is Seeing Believing?

Daybreak/Challenge Records (2016)
The American saxophonist David Liebman is the most famous musician of this quintet. He was educated by Charles Lloyd and Lennie Tristano and studied at the University of New York. In the early 70s he played with trumpeter Miles Davis and from 1975 he created his own jazz way with, among others the great pianist Richard Beirach. He became an idiosyncratic saxophonist who plays with ease all kind of jazz and improvised music. His saxophone playing has a distinct character, sometimes with a slightly shrill tone, very agile and dynamic and always played with affect also to be heard on ‘Is Seeing Believing?’on soprano and tenor sax. In the quintet ‘Liebman – Ineke – Laginha – Cavalli – Pinheiro’ there’s the Portuguese pianist Mário Laginha and guitarist Ricardo Pinheiro. the Italian bassist Massimo Cavalliand the Dutch drummer Eric Inekewho played for years with the bebop pianist Rein de Graaff. Noteworthy is the flexibility of the music with instruments that flatter as a musical jazz web, as in the collective improvisations at the end of ‘Rainy Sunday’or the intro of ‘I remember you’. Moreover, the piano and guitar (two chord instruments) create a splendid harmonic landscape where both instruments meet each other with respect. Eric Inekeis a subservient drummer who listens very carefully. He easily change the rhythmic patterns in ‘Everybody’s song but my own’. He switches smoothly between half and double-time and follows the guitar solo in ‘Skylark’with very subtle triplets. ‘Is Seeing Believing?‘ is a wonderful jazz record – a splendid album for those who love the fine art of great jazz music! -- Mattie Poels (Music Frames)
Miguel Amado
The Long Rest

Sintoma Records (2016)
With: Miguel Amado - bass, composition, Desidério Lázaro - sax, Ricardo Pinheiro - guitar, Ruben Alves - piano, keyboards, Vicky Marques - drums, Pedro Vidal - guitar (4), Lucia Moniz- vocals (4), Paulo Ramos - vocals (7), Ricardo Mendes - violin (2, 3), Marcos Lázaro - violin (2, 3), Jean Aroutiounian - viola (2, 3), Bárbara Duarte - cello (2, 3)

Fresh Sound Records (2015)
Tristesse and nostalgia are evoked with accordion and often highly effected guitar in this set from Fresh Sounds new world-music imprint. Italy is closer to home than most places one associates with world music. Also, the music quite often sounds like something Bill Frisell might do (but maybe Americana is world music too). In any event, a romantic European mood is created as the trio work through a number of Italian film themes by Morricone, Rota and others. Theres plenty of very good jazz soloing more than one finds on many so-called world jazz records, and Amore Per Tutti becomes a swinging blues. Best tune: Morricones odd-metre Il Clan Dei Siciliani - marvellous. Europe is exotic all right -- Mark Gilbert (Jazz Journal)
Ricardo Pinheiro/Miguel Amado/Bruno Pedroso

Sintoma Records (2014)
O trio guitarra, baixo e bateria é das formações mais marcantes da história do jazz nas ultimas décadas.
Desde a tradição de Wes Montgomery ou Joe Pass, a estética desta formação tem sido renovada atè aos dias de hoje por nomes como Jim Hall, John Scofield, Bill Frisell, Mike Stern, Kurt Rosenwinkel entre muitos outros.
O projecto TRIOLOGY, constituído por três músicos com vasto percurso no panorama musical português, emerge dessa tradição, apresentando uma estética moderna a um repertório onde constam jazz standards bem como temas mais populares de bandas como Beatles ou Soundgarden.
Ricardo Pinheiro
Song Form

Tone of a Pitch (2013)
A thrilling album with an expansive view. Guitarist Pinheiro mixes in modern jazz with electronic effects, sultry pop songs, avant-garde incursions, Latin influences, and sublime moments of tranquility. Utilizing different parts of a rotating cast of musicians, he finds a way to limit the scope of the album’s voicing in its totality, while also intimating that the possibilities are endless. With Pinheiro’s guitars and effects, he’s joined by Matt Renzi on reeds, Jon Irabagonon sax, Mario Laginha on piano, Joana Machado with some nifty vocal contributions, Demian Cabaud on double bass, Miguel Amado on electric bass, Alexandre Frazao and Vicky Marques on drums, with the latter adding Darbuka and Udu to the mix, and Pedro Pestana with the programming. An album that takes chances, and they pretty much pay off with big rewards throughout the entirety of the album. Pick of the Week. Favorite Track:“Heliotropic” -- Dave Sumner (eMusic.com)
Ricardo Pinheiro
Open Letter

Fresh Sound Records (2010)
Awaited debut album on Fresh Sound New Talent by talented Portuguese guitar player, Ricardo Pinheiro, a fine improviser combining a melting pot of influences to give rise to a very distinctive and deep sound that fits like a charm with the saxophones skills of the great Chris Cheek, a top-notch and always a guarantee of a terrific set. Made exclusively with the compositions and arrangements of Pinheiro, other musical confreres on this outing are pianists Mario Laginha and Joao Paulo Da Silva, bassist Demian Cabaud and drummer Alexandre Frazao, all have well established credentials as among the best of the local jazz scene. Without any doubt, this album should go a long way in set the guitarist the recognition they deserves.